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Still Life





Linda Simplicity



Alice Neel was my first teacher, I was 10 years old and scared, too scared to return.

At 18, while studying acting  at NYU School of the Arts my side job was working for artists Ruth Kligman and Carlos Sansegundo. Ruth was infamous for surviving the fatal car crash of her lover, Jackson Pollock and then taking up with Willem de Kooning.

Carlos was Henry Moore’s protégé and friend of Pablo Picasso. We worked in Franz Kline’s studio in Greenwich Village.

As acting jobs became more plentiful and opportunities to act in movies increased, painting went on the back burner and wasn’t re-ignited until 2018 when a severe case of the flu landed me in the hospital.

As a reminder of how wonderfully unpredictable our lives can be, the same hospital where my biggest hope was to walk out of there, is once again for the fifth straight year in a row exhibiting my paintings as part of their year long exhibition “The Art of Healing”.

Linda Gillen Art of Healing 2019