Linda Gillen Einstein's Bastards

If you’re not seeing the kind of plays you want to see, then start a theater company!

Our first production was 2 plays by Richard Vetere, “Van Gogh’s Brush” and “Making Book”. We rented a theater space on W 54 St which was above the Midtown Precinct North. Which is to say the hallways, bathrooms and main entrance rivaled us for drama. 

Less than a week before opening the actress for Making Book went MIA, replacements didn’t work out, so that’s me in the photo with Dan Grimaldi.

Curtain Call

L-R Dino Simco, Dan Grimaldi,Yours Truly, Nick DeCeglia

The next production was part of the NYC Fringe Festival. By the second night the roof was leaking, since the play took place on one set. Large garbage cans were installed to catch the rain and add to the bleakness of the main character’s life.  

We performed at the un air-conditioned  Theater For The New City during a heatwave in the East Village.

These are the brave souls who showed up and performed their hearts out.

Second Row L-R Richard Markstein, Ben Franklin, Jennifer Avery, Matt Semrick, Nate Starkey, Edward Washington, Monique Berkley, Eric Wippo

Front Row L- R Yours Truly, AJ Johnson, Christine Rendel

The play did well and we looked forward to extending the run. A theatre space was found and an appointment was made to rent the venue. The date for the contract signing was September 11, 2001.

Life happens.

We took a hiatus and decided to meet new playwrights and showcase them.

Robin Hirsch generously stepped up to the plate and offered us the theater at legendary The Cornelia Street Cafe.

We now had a home!

One of the most ambitious projects was The 7 Deadly Sins

It was a 7 year run of talented playwrights and actors. Here’s a sample, if anyone has more memorabilia, please send them and they’ll get posted

Eric Wippo and Nate Starkey

Bryan Hickey, Matt Semrick and Jennifer Avery

Mark Saunders, myself, Bryan Hickey, Georgina Splevin, Nic Tyler and Myla Pitt

Jennifer Avery